Privacy Policy



  • Privacy and Cookie Policy
    • MOLO are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data (“Data”) that we collect from you or that you provide to us will be processed. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.
  • Data Protection Principles
    • We shall perform our responsibilities under The Protection of Personal Information Act 2013 and take reasonable measures to protect your personal information.
    • We use personal information, which includes but is not limited to: Name & surname, cellphone number and physical Address.
    • Should your personal information change, please inform us and provide us with your updated personal information as soon as reasonably possible to allow us to update your personal information. In which event, you agree to provide accurate and current information, and not to impersonate or misrepresent any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or anything.
  • Information we may collect from you
    • We are entitled to use or disclose your personal information if such use or disclosure is required in order to comply with any applicable law, subpoena, order of court or legal process served on us, or to protect and defend our rights or property. In the event of fraudulent online activity, we are entitled to disclose relevant personal information for criminal investigative purposes or any other legal obligation that requires the disclosure of personal information. You can also exercise the right to access to your information at any time by emailing us at . We will then send you a form to fill in as required by the POPI act and our records.
    • We will ensure that all of our employees, third party service providers, divisions, affiliates and partners (including their employees and third party service providers) who have access to your personal information are bound by appropriate and legally binding confidentiality obligations in relation to your personal information.
    • We will – treat your personal information as strictly confidential, save where we are entitled to share it as set out in this policy; take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal information is kept secure and protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration, disclosure or access; provide you with access to your personal information to view and/or update personal details; promptly notify you if we become aware of any unauthorised use, disclosure or processing of your personal information; provide you with reasonable evidence of our compliance with our obligations under this policy on reasonable notice and request; and upon your request, promptly return or destroy any and all of your personal information in our possession or control, save for that which we are legally obliged to retain. We will not retain your personal information longer than the period for which it was originally needed, unless we are required to do so by law or you consent to us retaining such information for a longer period. We undertake never to sell or make your personal information available to any third party other than as provided for in this policy. Whilst we will do all things reasonably necessary to protect your rights of privacy, we cannot guarantee or accept any liability whatsoever for unauthorised or unlawful disclosures of your personal information, whilst in our possession, made by third parties who are not subject to our control, unless such disclosure is as a result of our gross negligence. Please note that we may use collected personal information to compile profiles for statistical purposes and trade in these profiles as permitted by the ECT Act. No information contained in the profiles or statistics will be linkable to any specific user. Details of your visits to our site, including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, will also be captured.
  • Use and Disclosure of information
    • Data will only be kept for clear and legal purposes. We use information held about you in the following ways:
      1. to provide you with the services listed on our site;
      2. to provide you with information about our services that may be of interest to you (where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes). If you do not want us to use Data in this way, please tick the relevant box on your order form
      3. to notify you about changes to our service
    • In order to provide you with any of the services ordered from our site, the necessary disclosure of your Data will be made to:
      1. independent third parties who are licensed to operate as couriers/ distributors/ agents
      2. notify you about changes to our service.
      3. other independent third party service providers who may be engaged in activities that include the fulfilment of your order, the processing of your payment details and the provision of support services (and who may use such data for that purpose). Save as required by law (including that of any jurisdiction to which we provide carriage/ distribution services) or in order to apply our terms and conditions (including our Conditions of Carriage), no other disclosure of Data will be made to third parties for their own purposes or use. Data may be legitimately given to our distribution partners, their agents or other third parties for legitimate purposes as described above. This purpose may include the transfer of data to other jurisdictions for processing. In these circumstances, we will ensure that adequate contractual and technical safeguards are in place to protect your data. All such processing will take place in full compliance with all applicable laws.
  • Your Rights
    • You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will usually inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for such purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right to access your information at any time by contacting us at
    • Access To Your Information – You are entitled to copies of your Data kept by us. Requests should be in writing (we may charge a small fee to cover the administration costs). Please quote your name and address. We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before issuing any copy Data.
  • Changes to Policy
    • We reserve the right to amend or modify this Data Protection Policy at any time in response to changes in applicable data protection and privacy legislation. Any changes that we may make will be posted on this page and we will notify you of these changes via email where appropriate.
  • Cookies Policy
    • MOLO respects the privacy of all visitors to our website and mobile application. This Cookie Policy outlines our policy concerning the use of cookies on . We may update our Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect any changes in technology or legislation that may affect the way in which cookies are used by us and how you, as a user, can manage them.

What are Cookies?

  • Cookies are small text files sent from a website, which are stored in the user’s web browser while the user is browsing a website. When users visit the same website again, the browser sends cookies back to the website allowing the website to recognise the user and remember things like personalised details or preferences. More information about cookies and details of how to manage or disable them can be found on Please note that if you choose to opt-out of receiving cookies (by disabling the cookie function on your browser), you may lose some functionality of When you use the website the following types of cookies can be set on your device:
    1. Strictly necessary cookies These cookies enable services that you have specifically asked for. Without these cookies, the full functionality of this website may not be available to you. These cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.
    2. Performance cookies These cookies are used to collect statistical information about visitors of the website and the pages they view. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and used anonymously. We use these cookies to understand what content is popular, which helps us to improve our website.
    3. Functional Cookies These cookies allow the website to remember choices you made. In the process, they provide enhanced and more personal features for website visitors.

Examples of these features include:

  1. Remembering your preferences and settings so as to redirect your session to the mobile version of the site when you are browsing with a smartphone
  2. Remembering when you entered information on so that you do not have to do this more than once during your visit.
  3. Remembering your username and email address if you have a MOLO account so you do not have to enter it again.